First Post!
I am doing my planning for the upcoming lunar eclipse on November 19, 2021. This eclipse will be visible over almost all of North America. I will be able to see it quite easily view it from my backyard. The eclipse will be a nearly total umbral eclipse. The obscuration of the moon by the earth will reach 95%. While that is less than total, a 95% obscuration will be large enough to be just as enjoyable. In contrast to the situation with solar eclipses, nearly-total lunar eclipses give almost the same experience as total eclipses.
While lunar eclipses are no more common than solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are visible over an entire hemisphere. Accordingly, it is very common to have solar eclipses appear near you, wherever you are on earth. The last lunar eclipse I witnessed was the total lunar eclipse of January 21, 2019. The upcoming November Lunar Syzygy will be noteworthy as the most spectacular lunar eclipse over North America since 2019. While there was a prior total eclipse this past May, the total eclipse phase of the May eclipse was visible primarily over the Pacific Ocean.
You can find my map showing the visibility of the upcoming November eclipse at the link below.