Welcome to my blog for everything related to Celestial Syzygy! A Syzygy is an alignment of 3 celestial bodies. Primarily we will be discussing alignments of the earth, sun, and moon. Those alignments are also known as solar and lunar eclipses. We will also discuss other spectacular celestial sygyzy. I will also discuss transits, which are the alignments of the earth and either Venus or Mercury, with the sun. Finally, we will discuss occultations, which are the alignments of the earth and the moon with a star or planet.
I plan to witness as many eclipses, transits, and lunar occultations as I can. The next eclipse will be the partial lunar eclipse on November 19, 2021. This eclipse will be nearly, but not quite total. Its magnitude will be about 97%. The next solar eclipse will be on December 4, 2021. The latter path of totality for the latter eclipse is over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. I likely will not attempt to visit that one.